Thursday, March 7, 2013

Who's Getting the Glory?

Verse for the Week:

 “I am the Lord, that is My name; And My glory I will not give to another.”  Is. 42:8

Who's Getting the Glory?

My husband and I love nature!  We are your typical nature freaks! We take so much joy in hiking deep into the evergreen forest where a bubbling creek is flowing, or walking along the edge of the beach and hearing the crashing of the waves, or  traveling through a desert where cactus flowers are in full bloom, or moving into a lush temperate rain forest where the birds are chirping a beautiful song. Brian told me one time, “Katrina, “I feel so close to God when I am in nature.”

My husband and I love to travel.  In the 3 ½ years we have been married, we have seen so many beautiful sights and sounds that have taken our breath away.  From beautiful sunsets, to the sounds of bubbling brooks, to the rustling of the wind going through the trees, to the sight of mountains peaks going out as far as an eye can see.  Every time I go out into nature, I fall in love with our Creator all over again.   His glory is revealed in everything He has created.  You see, since the beginning of time, God’s glory has been revealed through his creation.  Romans 1:20 says,  For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” How can we look at nature and not see God?

When I think about how God’s glory is revealed, it isn’t just through his creation, but through people’s actions.  In 1 John 4:12 it says, “No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.”  You see, God reveals his love through people.  We get the opportunity to glorify Him by loving others. 

There was one question that had me confused for many years.  What exactly does glorify mean?  I read in a book once that glorify means to make famous.  So here is the thought for the day: Are you making yourself famous or God famous?  Society today is focused on making ourselves look good.  We have to have the newest car, stylish clothes, a nice big house, lots of money, top notch job, and many other things to make ourselves look good to others.  Let’s face it, America is addicted to materialism. So ask yourself, when you use the money to buy a new car; is it because you need one to transport your kids around and to drive to work, or is it to make yourself look good?  When you get on facebook and show lots of pictures of your family, is it so you can get lots of comments and likes from others, or to give God the fame? What is your motive when you volunteer for a church activity? Is it to make yourself look holy, or God holy?  Are your actions, choices, or motives glorifying God or yourself?   In Isaiah 42:8, it says, “I am the Lord, that is My name; And My glory I will not give to another.”   It is all about HIM, folks, not ourselves.

Take a moment to reflect on His glory in the video below.  It has pictures that Brian and I have taken from our travels. Brian and I are not professional photographers, and the pictures are taken from a simple camera, but you can still see God’s awesomeness in His creation.  Take time to fall in love with the Artist who designed the beautiful creation you see in the pictures.

To HIM be all the GLORY!!!

**Do not enlarge the video screen, it makes the pictures blurry, keep it small for better picture quality.

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